Championship Manager 2006 boasts a brand new Gameplan 3D match engine, where players can watch their match unfold in the same way they watch the match on TV - but with the ability to adjust tactics, player positions or formations - or simply use the Highlight Filter to select the moments they want to watch.
Interact with your squad as you speak with your players for the first time: make promises to individual players to improve their mood or form. But as in real life, if promises are broken, trust is lost and there are consequences - with the new player status screen, monitor the mood and form of every player.
Championship Manager 2006 allows you to manage your club to glory, dealing with everything from tactics and training to transfers - everything you would expect a real-life football manager to do without owning a sheepskin coat.
Read our review of the game on page 125 and see the tutorial on page 56 of your MacFormat magazine.